Dear Reader, I need you to know...

I'm not sure if today is a good day, or a bad day for you. I don't know if you think things in your life are going well, or couldn't be any worse. Regardless of however you responded to the above, there are a few things I think are important for you to know right now...
I know life has not always been easy or kind to you. I know you have asked yourself more than once, "why me?"... We all have. Way too many times to count, if we're all able to be honest with ourselves. I know that this world and the people in it, can be and have been cruel to you. I know that this world is far too selfish and full of greedy, terrible people (not everyone is, but a lot are) who do equally terrible things. I am sure you have experienced some of this heartache, loss and pain yourself that you have never once deserved.
I know you try and be a decent person who makes all of the right decisions, and sometimes you feel as if you've succeeded. However, I also know there are far too many times you think you've failed. I know it's easy to assume you're the only one who ever has.
I know you have felt waves of uncertainty and doubt consume your heart and mind, nearly drowning you. I am certain you have fallen more than once. I know you feel ashamed of the moments where you did not immediately get back up again. I know how dark, how black and simply bottomless your pain, fear and anger can be become. I know the forbidden, the dark places of your mind that you're too ashamed to allow anyone to see.
I know that there is no worse critic for yourself than the person you have to face in the mirror every single and sometimes agonizing day. I know how often you are unable to meet your own gaze. I know that sometimes it is easier to give up than it is to put up a fight, even when every fiber in your body is wanting to fight. I know how many walls, layers, locks with forgotten keys, that protect your heart from more splintering.
I know you hardly trust the world after how much it has betrayed you at times, let alone trust yourself....
I know. Listen to me.... I. Know. I don't have to know your current struggle to know you are hurting, to know you feel alone and afraid of this world and maybe of yourself.

Now listen to me for a moment longer. Please don't tune me out just yet. I need to mention a few more important things...
I know you are strong, even when that is the last word you would use to describe yourself. I know you are fiercely loyal. I know that you love, with your entire heart, your enormous soul and its endless capacity to forgive even those who don't necessarily deserve it.
I know that you are a beautiful and powerful person, in all respects. Whether you feel like you fall into a category, or you feel like you're standing completely alone, you are perfect the way you are. Please don't shake your head or roll your eyes. You ARE perfectly imperfect. Who can ask more of you than that?
I need you to feel these words, these promises, from the top of your head and all the way to the bottom of your feet that have walked so many uncertain miles. I need you to believe you don't need to change a single thing about yourself to be accepted or wanted.
Your imperfections, your unique story is what makes you who you are, every single part of you, even the parts you don't like. The world NEEDS to know who YOU are. Please, don't let this world and the other imperfect people decide how much you are worth. We've all done it. We've all allowed others to label us and we've all believed the labels for too long.
Whoever you are, that is who you are meant to be. Whoever you become as you continue on your journey, is also who you're meant to be. If your goal in life is to inspire, to be decent, to love without fear, to encourage and accept others, you are EXACTLY who this world needs. We need you, now more than ever. Rally the people who love you, who accept you, who know your heart and who protect your soul. Keep them close to you and focus your energy on those things and people who are deserving of your efforts. Love them, please love them hard.
Don't give up, don't give in. Feel your feelings, the easy and the hard ones, but please don't give up. Have courage, be kind to yourself and those around you. Seek help whenever you need it and don't be ashamed to need it. You are loved and this world needs exactly YOU.
A Slightly Experienced Me